Monday 21 November 2016

P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.

We had our first internal flight from Melbourne and the most luxury departure lounge I've ever been in. I'm talking Mcdonalds with food I've never even heard of before, Krispy cremes and charging ports by every chair. May not be luxury to most people but as amateur travellers this was heaven! 

After being in the most horrific downpour I've ever experienced, we arrived at another Base Backpackers hostel in central Sydney. This one being three times the size of the last one. We checked in to the hostel looking like drowned rats, and found ourselves our 6 bed room. Feeling like we were in the penthouse suite on our top bunks. Seeing as it was late we attempted to find some food, but little did we know what a mission this would be. Who would think it would be hard to find some food for less than $15! All we wanted were plain noodles! Being tired and teasy, we settled for super noodles and cooked them in the most horrendous hostel kitchen I've ever seen. I'm talking 100x worse than a university kitchen! Neither Jade or myself are clean freaks but that kitchen was beyond what we ever expected, it was the boys obviously...


After a homesick evening but a very good nights sleep as we were so tired, we woke up to scorching hot sunshine so we were both extremely excited to venture out and explore the home of P. Sherman (can you tell we're both Finding Nemo fans). We walked from our hostel along Darling harbour around to the harbour bridge. Seeing as it was extremely hot, we both thought it would be relaxing to chill down by the water on the rocks, minutes later jade starts panicking that she can hear a snake behind us, we both jump up and realise it wasn't a snake but we are being absolutely soaked by water sprinklers... what a way to be cooled down in that heat eh.

When the Sydney opera house came into view, we both stopped in our tracks as it hit us that we were in Australia, a place we never thought we would actually come and visit. Being typical tourists we took as many photos in as many different angles as we could.


We collapsed with exhaustion into bed that night knowing we had a 5am alarm set to catch our plane to.... NEW ZEALAND!!! 

Amy x

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