Monday 21 November 2016

First stop, Melbourne.

Feeling absolutely grotty from the 21 hour plane journey, myself and Jade were making the most of the free wifi in Melbourne airport. We were people watching for a good hour before either of us even mentioned finding a hostel to stay in, priorities eh! We landed at the airport and knew two university friends were here somewhere, so we messaged them, and as if the travelling fairies were on our side they asked if we wanted to go to their hotel over the road for a shower, YES PLEASE!

Debbie and Lucy joined us for our first night in Melbourne, and we managed to find a hostel after traipsing around central Melbourne for what seemed like hours... only 4 of us in a 6 bed room in a nice hostel, perfect! 

It was overwhelming how many things there were to see and do in Melbourne city centre, but we knew a priority was to sort out our tours for the next few months. The boring stuff first but needed to be done.


After the best night sleep and what felt like a good start to hostel life, the girls joined us when we went to find a hostel in St Kilda, and we ended up at Base St Kilda with an UPGRADED room! Double bed (sorry for star-fishing jade), ensuite and TV. How did we manage that?! Second luxury hostel stay we have bagged. We explored St Kilda even though it was cloudy, and we got slightly worried that the next three months weather forecast would be like this, but knowing Australia, I knew we would be proven wrong.


As I knew we would, we managed to find a lovely bar called Vineyard, with yes... free wifi! We sipped on our cocktails and chatted about the upcoming plans. It was a bit of a shock to the system at the Australian prices for us British girls, I mean the drinks weren't too overpriced at $14 dollars each but I think drinking cocktails in a cool bar isn't what I imagined Backpackers doing, let's see how long this lasts haha!

The girls got on their overnight bus to Sydney as they weren't in Australia for as long as myself and Jade were, so me and jade being the party animals that we are, went back to the hostel room to sleep!

With one more night in Melbourne we wanted to make the most of the slightly warmer weather, strolling along the seafront and the marina. Then a good friend from school Charlotte commented on one of my many Instagrams I had already posted that day saying she lived only 5 minutes away, small world! So I spent a lovely evening catching up with her, being talked into sky dives and other adrenaline activities I don't think my stomach could physically cope with. Before heading back to my, did I say luxury, hostel room for the night ;)

Next stop, Sydney!

Speak soon, Amy x

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